How to find the perfect copywriter.

Hey there, game-changer! I’m so glad you’re here because it shows that you are really passionate about what you do and how you come across. You know the copy you put out is a reflection of you and your brand, and you clearly understand the power of having ethically persuasive copy that shines like a beacon of hope in a sea of senseless noise, gently calling out to those that need your help and guiding them towards you. Getting a dedicated and skilled writer to help with this often-overlooked aspect of your marketing is a fantastic idea. However, with so many freelance copywriters out there, how do you find one that's the right fit for your business or project? Well, read on to find out, and together, we'll explore the key factors to consider when hiring a copywriter plus, you’ll also get some practical tips for ensuring a successful collaboration.

How do I know if a copywriter is a good fit for my business or project?

Before you go putting a LinkedIn post up asking for copywriters and get spammed with 50+ messages to trawl through, one of the most important things to think about first is the kinds of skills and experience that will align with your needs. Here are a few key questions to help figure out exactly what it is you need:

  • What kind of writing do you need help with? Product/service descriptions, blog posts, email campaigns, sales pages, website copy, something else or a range of things?

  • Do you know who your target audience is and what tone of voice your copy needs, or do you need help with this?

  • What are your business goals, and how will the copy support them?

  • Do you need a copywriter who specialises in a particular industry or niche?

  • Are you b2b or b2c? Product or service based?

  • Do you have a specific deadline for the project?

You should now have a clearer idea of the type of copywriter you need. You may need someone who can produce a good range of copy for your business and help you to pinpoint your target audience and brand voice etc., or you might have identified that you need someone with a very specific skill set in a niche industry. This is a great starting point for you to find someone who will be a great fit.  

Once you have this rough idea of who you’re looking for and a few recommendations, you can start to look at the past work of any candidates that fit your criteria. Pay attention to the tone and style of their writing to see how well it aligns with your brand and target audience.

Wooden blocks read "words have power" with text next to it that reads "so don't leave them to chance!".

When you find a copywriter that’s a great fit, you’ll want to hold on tight to them!

How can I make sure that the copywriter I hire will meet my expectations?

Asking for recommendations from people you know and trust is a good idea, as it takes away some of the worry and uncertainty of hiring and trusting someone new. Once you've identified a few potential copywriters that seem like a good fit for your project, it's important to have a chat and get a better feel for each other and also outline clear expectations from the start. Being completely honest at this stage will help ensure that the copywriter understands your goals and can deliver the type of writing you're looking for.

One effective way to do this is to provide the copywriter with a detailed brief outlining the project, including:

  • A description of your business and target audience

  • Your goals for the project and how the copy will support them

  • The specific type of writing you need (e.g. product descriptions, blog posts, email campaigns, etc.)

  • Your desired tone of voice and any specific keywords or phrases you want the copy to include

  • Whether they will need to work alongside any other professionals, such as a graphic designer.

  • Any specific deadlines or milestones for the project

This information can make things a whole lot easier for your copywriter and the smooth running of the project. However, if you are new to all of this and don’t know this information, don’t panic; most copywriters can help you to create a brief. My own clients often come to me with loose, fragmented thoughts and ideas and a rough idea of what it is they want. One of my skills is that I’m pretty good at helping to condense these thoughts into something more concise, helping them to figure out what it is they need most and forming a plan to help them reach their goals.

Copy and content can feel overwhelming, but a great copywriter can simplify things and get you more bang for your buck.

What is the process of working with a copywriter, and how long will it take to see results?

The process of working with a copywriter can vary depending on the project and the writer’s own personal method, but typically, it will involve the following steps:

  • Initial consultation: Usually over a video call and sometimes called the kickoff call, this is where you’ll discuss the project in more detail so your writer can get a detailed picture of you, your business and what is required of them.

  • Research: There is usually an element of research for any writing project, so at this point, your copywriter will be busily researching your business, target audience, and competitors to gain a deeper understanding of your needs or a content topic.

  • Drafts: Depending on the project, once your copywriter has all the information they need, they will either start to prepare a first draft or some different concepts for you to choose between. 

  • Review and Revise: Once a first draft is prepared, you’ll be invited to a creative review where your writer will explain their work and you’ll have the opportunity to provide feedback. A good copywriter knows this is an essential part of getting a fantastic end result, so don’t be afraid, to be honest here. Revisions will then be made, and this process may be repeated to get to a final perfectly polished piece. 

  • Final delivery: Once the final version of the copy is approved, your copywriter will deliver your sparkly new copy, ready to start working hard for you and your business.

The timeline for this process is hugely variable and depends on the scope and complexity of the project, whether there are others involved, such as graphic designers, photographers etc., and also the copywriter's availability. Remember to discuss timing and deadlines with your copywriter upfront so that you both have a clear understanding of what is required and achievable before committing to start working together.

Copy and content is so much more effective when you know who you’re talking to.

How do I make sure that the copywriter understands my brand and target audience?

A good copywriter will understand that one of the most important factors in successful copywriting is understanding the brand and target audience. Writing effective, stand-out copy and content is soooo much easier when we know who we are writing to and what tone of voice we are writing in. The problem is that so many solo business owners haven’t yet nailed this information down! If you have, congratulations! You’re ahead of most other small and micro businesses, but if you don’t, you may want to have a discussion with your copywriter about it; they may be able to help you to define them or point you in the direction of someone who can. If you’re reading this thinking, “I’ve got no clue about these things!” take this as your sign to get them sorted! Email me at for help with this.

Otherwise, here are a few tips to help your copywriter understand your brand and audience:

Provide a detailed brief: As mentioned earlier, spend some creating a detailed brief outlining your business, target audience, and desired tone of voice and give this information to your copywriter or discuss it at the kickoff call.

Share examples: If you have any examples of copy that you like or that you feel represents your brand well, you could share those with your copywriter. This can help them get a better sense of your style and tone.

Provide customer personas: If you have these or any other market research available, share them with your copywriter. It all helps us to tailor the copy to the needs and preferences of the people you want to buy from you.

Tracking the results of copy can be tricky, but not impossible.

How can I measure the success of a copywriter's work?

This can be challenging, as there are numerous factors that can influence the effectiveness of copy, such as the design of the page, the product being sold, how well the copy is implemented etc. However, there are some metrics you can track to help you evaluate the performance of the copy:

Conversion rate: If the copy is being used for a landing page or product page, look at the conversion rate to see how many people are taking the desired action, such as making a purchase or filling out a form, but also ensure these buttons and links are working properly, and people can actually take the action.

Engagement: If the copy is being used for a blog post or social media post, you can look at engagement metrics such as likes, comments, and shares to get an idea of how well the copy is resonating with your audience.

Traffic: If the copy is being used for SEO purposes, you can compare visitor rates to the page to see if the copy is helping to drive more traffic to your site.

Bounce rate: Driving traffic is one thing, but keeping them there is quite another. If you’ve had the copy on your website written, compare the new bounce rate with your old one to see if your new copy is doing a better job of keeping your visitors engaged and taking the desired path through the site. Keep in mind, though, that other factors will affect this, such as load speed and design. 

Always keep in mind that copy is just one factor in the overall success of a marketing campaign and that there is a myriad of other factors at play, too, that will have a significant impact on your results. Design, SEO, software, targeting, and product or service quality are just a few of the things to consider.

Grab a virtual coffee with me today to see if I’m your bag!

Hiring a freelance copywriter can be a great way to improve your marketing efforts and drive conversions, but it's important to find the right fit for your business and project. By asking the right questions, setting clear expectations, and communicating effectively, you can find a copywriter who understands your brand and can write powerful, ethical copy that you and your audience love. 

To discuss copy for your mission in life that feels ethical, purposeful and aligned with your values with no icky, dubious or overused tactics, grab a free virtual coffee with me today.


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