What I can help you with…

Website Pages - Copywriting for websites.

We aren’t all wordsmiths, and trying to fill your site with all the necessary blurb can be a daunting task for many. Using a consistent tone and concise messages throughout your website can keep customers clicking through for longer by creating a seamless experience with clear direction.

I can refresh or create from scratch all your site content to make your shop window pop and make browsers keen to learn more. This includes taglines, about us pages, articles or blog posts and product/service descriptions whilst staying on brand to create a smooth user experience.


Want to grow a list? Let’s create a magnet that will have your ideal audience clamouring to give you their email address.

Selling something awesome? A captivating sales page will make the purchase a no brainer for your perfect punters.


Putting out regular content keeps you visible and builds trust and rapport with your target audience.

A blog article, optimised for SEO but written for humans, is like a gift that keeps on giving. Repurpose it for tons of other uses and attract traffic to your website for years to come!

Blogs start from £240 for 1000 words

Content packages from £540 per month

Email marketing copywriting service.

Email is a powerful tool for business with ROI averaging £42 per £1 spend!!

Whether you want to get your name out there with a cold campaign or to better utilise an existing warm list, I can craft authentic, engaging emails that convert.

Welcome/Nurture/Sales sequences from £400

Newsletter Retainers from £100 per month


Proofing your own work can be tricky. A fresh pair of eyes to check flow, grammar and language can go a long way.

Love writing, but know it needs a good polish? Let me play around with it to get it sounding top-notch. Or ask about a content audit to see what’s working and what could be improved.

Proofreading and editing from £60